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MoM dated 04032023

Mar 4, 2023

Sampoornam AoA Elected Members Meeting |MoM

Meeting date | time 04.03.2023 | 17:00 PM | Meeting location : K.B. Plaza

Agenda topics

Time allotted | 60 Minutes |Weekly updates and proceedings

Members discussed the following:


1.     Street Lights examined again and following are found non-working:

a.     3 Meter Pole – 32 Nos

b.     6 Meter Pole – 7 Nos

2.     Parking Light inspection (Non-working lights) to be done by Shiba Prasad Nanda and dead lines are March 5th , 2023.

3.     Tower Light Inspection to be done by the following members:

a.     Navneet Juneja: Tower Y4, Y5 and Y6

b.     Poonam Gautam: Tower G1, Y7, A1, A4

c.     Kamal Kishore: Tower H1, H4

d.    Dipankar Kumar: G8, N3, N1, N2, Y1, N4

e.     Nitika Gujrati: B5, B6

f.      Abhishek Daga: Y2, Y3

4.     House Keeping inspection to be done by the following members:

a.     Shiba Prasad Nanda: Weekly 2 days on Weekend

b.     Dipankar Kumar: Weekly 2 days except weekend

5.     A meeting was held between Shri Dipankar Kumar (President, SAOA) and Shri Deepak Gupta (GM- Commercial, EROS Group) on March 2nd, 2023.

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